PCCEI in numbers
Staff & Students
Ongoing Projects
Collaborating Countries
Infectious Diseases
Publications in 2023

The principle of our research unit is to harbor under the same roof the different domains of research contributing to the common goal of improving care and prevention of chronic and emerging infections: cognitive (basic science), translational and clinical research. A multidisciplinary approach and organization is prioritized in order to benefit as much as possible from synergy inside and outside the unit and to maximize the opportunities to benefit from support of national, European and international funds in global research projects.

Benefiting from the firm foundation of a university hospital, in which clinical research is in one of our know-how, we believe in the added value given by the support of fundamental or « mechanistic » explanatory research to clinical research. These two aspects of health research, clinical and basic sciences, act in synergy and mobilize knowledge and new concepts in their translations into public health interventions. The basic philosophy of our scientific commitment in translational research remains unchanged: the implementation of innovative research in fields of chronic and emerging infections of public health interest and the simple pleasure of working together.

Over 100 articles are published each year. This scientific production demonstrates the quality of our work and the innovative character of our results.
All our publications are accessible in our open science library, named HAL, either as full-articles or as abstracts.

Funding Partners